Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I become a citizen?

A. To firstly gain more education on the foundation of our country, the revolution which overthrew it, and the Counter-Revolution which we intend to implement, we recommend attending an educational seminar, such as those given by John Ainsworth of America's Remedy. This will set you on a proper path to learn the basic facts, research the information, and learn the legal argument. Then, to be a part of the State business meetings, and change your allegiance from the de facto state to the de jure State, you can learn more about this on our Citizenship page.

Q. How do I run for office?
A. Submit your name for the ballot prior to voting in December.  See the North-Carolina Constitution for the requirements for office, making special note of Article 32.  *We have set aside the requirement for Senators to hold 500 acres of property to hold the office by necessity.

Q. When are elections held?
A. Elections are held during December of every odd year via email to the Election Coordinator.  The winners are seated in January.

Q. Who are my representatives?
A. Check out our Government link.  If there is no one who represents your county, and you become a citizen, you may volunteer to be appointed as that county’s representative until the election. Once all county seats are filled, election will proceed as normal in December.

Q. How do I vote?
A. First, you must be a citizen, and have paid your taxes (currently 5 silver dollars or $125.00 Federal Reserve Notes per household) prior to December 1. At that time, you may cast a ballot for the Senators, Representatives, and officers of each branch of the government.

Q. When & where are NCAR meetings?
A. NCAR meetings are held each month. The date is set at the previous month’s meeting.  Check the calendar for the upcoming dates.

Q. How much are taxes?
A. The current tax rate (in effect as of August 25, 2012) is 5 silver dollars or $125.00 Federal Reserve Notes per household. This amount is payable at the time citizenship is declared, and is due annually on December 1, prior to election day on December 2.

Q. Where do I pay my taxes?
A. You can pay your taxes at any time to the Treasurer, and at the monthly NCAR meeting.

Q. What should I do if my rights are infringed by the de facto government?
A. While we are not a “quick-fix” solution to an injury between a person and the de facto government, our legal system is based on conflict.  There must be an injured party to have a case heard in court.  As such, if one of our citizens is involved in a situation that infringes on their rights, we do implement our legal argument against the de facto government, challenging them to prove their lawfulness.  If the rights of one NCAR Citizens is in conflict with another Citizen, our own courts handle these cases. Remember, a crime is an injury to a person’s life, liberty, or property.  Unless there is a crime committed, there is no injured party.

Q. How much control does the federal government have over the lives of the citizens of the Several States? Do I have to pay federal taxes? Does the EPA have authority over me and my job?
A. To each of these questions we must look at the original relationship between the federal government and the citizens of the several states. When our nation was founded, the federal government had NO CONTROL OR AUTHORITY over the lives and property of the people of the Several States. The only time the federal government had authority of the lives and actions of the citizens of the several states were when the citizens engaged in activities in which the federal government was delegated authority by the Constitution of the United States of America. Article 1, Section 8 lists those activities (paraphrased): 1) Commerce with foreign nations, 2) Interstate commerce, 3) commerce with the Indian tribes, 4) those involved in bankruptcy, 5) those involved in counterfeiting securities and money.

Q. The body politic -- what is it and why is it important?
A. A body politic, usually expressed as the body politic, refers to "the people of a nation, state, or country considered collectively as a body of organized citizens". – Oxford Dictionary 2010.  For our purpose, the body politic are the freemen of the state of North-Carolina that elected the government that was in power prior to Reconstruction.  After reconstruction, the body politic of North-Carolina changed, as the chain of title to the soil changed.  To be the body politic, there must be a unifying goal, one which does not promote division and chaos.  Citizens of the NCAR are the body politic with chain of title to the soil of North Carolina.

Q. I know someone who's doing exactly what you're doing. Aren't you just another sovereign citizen group?
A. No. One of the most VITAL aspects in this movement is education, both concerning what is true, and also what is NOT true. There exist today, many "patriot arguments" which often believe they are similar to our counter-revolution movement, but with which we have no relation whatsoever. We must be aware of these numerous arguments. They are a danger to the truth, as they both detract from it, and oftentimes give it a bad name. Many of these arguments seek to benefit the individual, though they are not conducive to resurrecting our lawful state governments.

It is important to understand that the North-Carolina American Republic is IN NO WAY associated with any of the following groups or legal arguments: sovereign citizens, individual sovereignty, straw man, birth certificate, birth certificate creates bond, UCC, missing 13th amendment, incorporation of the district, U.S. is a corporation, George Washington constitutional con job, name in all caps / other naming conventions, fringe on the flag, organic states, RUSA, TRAP (The Restore America Plan), refuse for cause, man on the land, anarchy, jural societies, common law grand jury, right to travel, tax protester / tax honesty movement.

In addition to the list above, there are often additional legal arguments which are not addressed by citizens of the North-Carolina American Republic, not simply for a matter of truth, but because these issues do not affect our state or our citizens. The Reconstruction Acts which we challenge precede many branch issues of law on the timeline, and in fact, lay a foundation for such issues to be perpetrated. The North-Carolina American Republic is therefore ONLY pinpoint focused on a single issue -- the alleged overthrow of our de jure states by the Reconstruction Acts of the 39th Congress.

For more information on who we ARE and who we ARE NOT, including printable resources, visit this page.

Q. Are you secessionists?
A. No. This is not a secession movement. The issue of secession does, however, play into this position, in that we do not believe that secession ever was a crime and that secession was legal in 1860-1861. This is based upon Article 7 of the U.S. Constitution, which clearly recognizes secession as the foundation of the government of the United States of America. Our position is that Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans were revolutionaries that overturned the fundamental principals on which this nation was founded and created the problems that most Americans are trying to correct today. This position was well stated in 1867 and 1868 in the democratic party platforms of several northern states as shown here in The American Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events of 1867:

The Democratic State Convention also met at Concord, January 16th. Some 500 delegates were present. John G. Sinclair was re-nominated for Governor by acclamation, and the following series of resolutions reported a…the Federal Government are limited by what is expressly granted to it in the Constitution, and that all other powers not so granted are reserved to the States and the people respectively.
2. That the regulation of the elective franchise in the States respectively belongs to them only, and any interference with the matter by the Federal Government is usurpation.
3. That all the States of the Union have a right to representation in Congress and any attempt to deny such representation is revolution,
That all propositions which contemplate, directly or indirectly, the subversion of the executive or the judicial branches of the Government, or the annihilation of sovereign States, are revolutionary and treasonable, and ought to be resisted by all men are true to the Union and the Constitution.

The Democratic State Convention assembled at Columbus, January 8th. The Committee on Resolutions reported the following, which were unanimously adopted:
That the States which lately attempted to secede are still States in the Union, and have been recognized as such by every department of the Government; that being thus in the Union, they stand on an equal footing with their sister States, with equal rights; that it was a thing unknown to the Constitution that Congress had the power to deprive a State of reserved rights and reduce it to a territorial condition; that therefore the exclusion by Congress of all representation from ten States, their proposed exclusion from the next presidential election, and reduction to Territories, are unconstitutional, revolutionary and despotic—measures destructive to the rights of those States and also to every other State in the Union, and part of a plan to nullify the Constitution, virtually overthrow State governments, and erect despotisms on their ruins and establish a tyrannical minority over a majority of the American people.

The regular Democratic Convention assembled at Hartford on February 6th, A series of twelve resolutions was adopted as the platform of the party, of which those relating to federal affairs were as follows;
Resolved, That those lately in insurrection against the Federal Government having laid down their arms, and fully resumed their duties as citizens of the United States, there is no obstacle in the way of the harmonious working of our republican institutions, save the factious course of a mutilated Congress, who have inaugurated a new revolution, and are determined to rule the country, in violation of the Constitution, and to establish their wild and fanatical will as a substitute for the Union framed by the Fathers of the Republic.

Whereas the goal of secession is to leave the American union and make North Carolina an independent sovereign nation, our goal of re-establishing lawful government is to put back into place the Constitutions and constitutional relationships of, and between, the Several States and the federal government.

Q. What are equal rights and why are they important?
A. Fundamentally there are two world views to which you can apply equal rights.  America was founded on the Christian world view that all men were created equally under God. The problem we have in applying this concept to today is that the key element, God, is not in modern equal rights. To put it simply, we were founded on equal rights under God, now we have equal rights regardless of God. The equal rights that we have today would appall the founders of this nation. For example, today the atheists and wiccan have equal standing to hold office with the Presbyterians and Baptists. The illegal immigrant has equal standing with American citizens. The homosexual marriage stands on equal ground with heterosexual marriage. Anyone who claims that these were the intensions of the founders -- when Thomas Jefferson wrote, "All men were created equal" -- are delusional.

Q. How can you claim to be the lawful body of North-Carolina, when there never was a North-Carolina American Republic as an official name?
A. The first proclamation issued in June 2, 1998, we decided that we were going to change our name temporarily to avoid confusion.

©1997- North-Carolina American Republic
NOTICE: The NCAR is IN NO WAY associated with the following groups or legal arguments.
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