NCAR Citizens at Every Level of the De Facto Judicial System
This is an exciting and busy time for the lawful state of North-Carolina and North-Carolina citizens. We have several ongoing cases throughout the North Carolina defacto court system. In fact, we have citizens in court at every level of the judicial system. These folks are not legal experts, lawyers, or scholars. They are regular people who are not afraid to stand up to a de facto state and demand that it prove itself to be a lawfully created state.
District Court
Jerry Plemmons | Yadkin County, NC
Jerry's most recent appearance on 11/2/11 resulted in a continuance. He brought in a court reporter, but was still made to wait over four hours until his name was finally called. As is usually the case in these situations, the judge and DA refuse to acknowledge the challenge of jurisdiction without the individual first declaring their intent regarding legal representation. Unfortunately, many courts completely disregard the fact that they cannot go to trial without first answering the challenge of jurisdiction. In Jerry's situation, he asked for additional time to review the waiver of representation, and the ADA postponed any further proceedings until December 14, 2011. Jerry will be working closely with the NCAR Legal Team to discuss strategy and what his next steps should be. Make plans now to come out to court and support Jerry on at the Yadkin County Courthouse (101 South State Street, Yadkinville, NC) on December 14, 2011 at 9:00 AM.
Mandie Rose | Wilkes County, NC
On November 16, 2011 Mandie Rose made her first appearance in Wilkes County District Court regarding a seat belt citation and operating a motor vehicle without a license. Mandie has a similar case in Wilkes County that is moving its way up to the NC Court of Appeals, so when she appeared in District Court on Wednesday morning, the ADA knew what to expect. During roll call before the judge arrived, the ADA called her name, and Mandie responded that she was present for a pre-arraignment challenge of jurisdiction. The ADA called her up, and informed her that he had several case laws that he would provide to her which he was going to use as evidence. After glancing through the 30+ pages of case law that the ADA provided, Mandie requested a continuance which has been scheduled for March 7, 2012. With her other case moving up to the NC Appellate Court, the ADA mentioned that at that point he could consider combing the two cases.
Superior Court
Mandie Rose | Wilkes County, NC
Part One • Part Two • Part Three • Part Four
On Monday, November 7, 2011 Mandie appeared in Superior Court in response to the Order given by Judge Lindsay R. Davis, Jr. With the help of the NCAR Legal Team, Mandie had preemptively filed an Interlocutory Appeal in response to this Order. And so when she made her appearance on November 7, the court conceded that in light of the appeal, it did not have the authority to proceed, and is now a matter for the NC Appellate Court. She will appear again during the next Superior Court session in March, 2012. In the meantime, Mandie and the NCAR Legal Team are working to file the Appeal with the NC Appellate Court (additional information below).
Mandie Rose | Forsyth County, NC
Part One • Part Two
You may be familiar with this particular case in which Mandie was arrested for giving a Notice of Appeal in Forsyth County District Court. She will be making her first official appearance at Forsyth County Superior Court on Monday November 28, 2011. It is imperative that we have as many supporters as possible with Mandie in court on that day. We must band together if we truly desire to put an end to judicial tyranny, and it is vital that a mass of individuals send a strong message to these courts to let them know that they cannot get away with simply railroading our citizens, and disregarding this issue. Please come out and show your support on Monday, November 28 at Forsyth County Superior Court: 200 N Main St # 400 Winston-Salem, NC. We will meet outside the courthouse at 8:45 AM, and our group will sit together in the courtroom. The court session will begin at 9:00 AM.
NC Court of Appeals
Mandie Rose's case in Wiles County Superior Court is in the process of being filed with the NC Court of Appeals. The NCAR Legal Team and Mandie have mobilized to get the appeal written and filed by the November 18 deadline. We will continue to keep you updated as this matter unfolds.
NC Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court
State of North Carolina v. Isaac Hutchison Birch
Macon County, NC | Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
The case of NCAR citizen Isaac Hutchison Birch, which was most recently struck down by the North Carolina Supreme Court is now in the process of being moved to the United States Supreme Court. Although it is an extremely tedious process wrought with very specific rules and guidelines, Isaac and the NCAR Legal Team have dedicated an enormous amount of time and resources toward petitioning the US Supreme Court. It is an expensive and time consuming process, but a small price to pay in the monumental effort of restoring our state governments. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of this case.
We Need Your Help.
The NCAR citizens who are on the front lines of this battle pay for the costs of court reporters, transcripts, filing, and other court fees out of their own pockets. They are in this for all of us, our liberties, and the securing of sovereignty for our states and their posterity. If you're able, please consider making a donation toward the NCAR Legal Fund. These donations go directly toward any expenses our citizens have when going into court. No amount is too small! Your help is greatly appreciated. Whether you're able to support this effort financially, or by simply being in attendance in court, YOUR active involvement contributes to the success of this counter-revolution.
Now is the time for all of us to step up, and get our country back.